Hydrothermal Carbonization: An Innovative Treatment for Biosolids

In Spring 2023, our friends at NEBRA (North East Biosolids and Residuals Association) invited us to present to their members about our client C-Green’s exciting new technology: OxyPower HTC!

This webinar provides an overview of C-Green’s OxyPower HTC technology for managing biosolids in the wastewater treatment industry. OxyPower HTC is a technology that provides a significant volume reduction by using a unique patented process of hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) and wet oxidation to convert biosolids waste into a dry, sterile hydrochar. In addition to an overview of the process we provide an update regarding current installations, as well as additional potential applications of the technology that are currently under review. Presented by Susanne Feagin, P.E. Next Rung Technology.

To view this video on NEBRA’s Youtube Channel, click here.
To view or download these slides separately, please click here.


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